In this series, Michael's incredible imagination brings to life scenes we can only fantasize about: the perfect Charger gathering at the drive-in theatre, more Cudas than we can count at the service station, a Superbird driving into an all Six Pack car show, and the debut release of the new Challenger in 2008. In each of these paintings, it's all about the cars and those amazing reflections. The setting, although key to the story being told, takes a back seat to the cars themselves. Brilliant, stunning and vibrant, this is a truly amazing series.
"The biggest challenge with this painting was creating a drive-in theatre scene, without featuring the 'big screen.' I didn't want the cars to be visually overpowered by the setting, or dwarfed by the size of the movie screen. The movie playing is secondary — the cars are the stars! The second challenge was choosing the right scene to reflect into the... "The biggest challenge with this...
"I’ve always liked the idea of adding a gasoline tanker as the primary reflective surface in one of my paintings. The way the tanker’s shape compressed the reflections presented an interesting challenge, that I couldn’t resist. The reflections in the dual tanks of the truck, allow you to view the scene from different perspectives. It’s as if you are... "I’ve always liked the idea of adding...
"When Amos Automotive commissioned me for this painting, they only had two requests: keep the piece simple and include both the new and classic Challengers. I chose the wet early morning outside the dealership, because I really wanted to get across the feeling of excitment about these cars. On this early morning, it will take more than a little wet... "When Amos Automotive commissioned me...
"I've been fascinated by these cars since I was a kid, because of their race-car look. The wing alone must have drawn some attention. I'm guessing a lot of them were pulled over 'just because.' I can imagine how the dialogue might have gone: 'If it's not a race car, what's the wing for?' 'Um, well officer, I heard it's for keeping the back end stable at... "I've been fascinated by these cars...